On the 28th of May, the Centre for Development of the East Planning Region in cooperation with GTZ RED and the YES incubator, hosted a workshop on topic: Possible instruments for supporting the employment of young people and women in the Republic of Macedonia on local and regional level.
Thirty-five participant from NGO’s, the Agency for Unemployment, Foundation for Microcredit and other stakeholders from East Planning Region.
This workshop is a result of previous analyses which found that women and young people are less incorporated into Programs and Strategy for Local Economic Development. Young people and women are two of the populations with most need of support in the area of employment.
The workshop presented the following topics:
- Specific needs for support the employment of the young people and women on the regional and local level in the Republic of Macedonia.
- Possible instruments for supporting the employment of young people and women in Republic of Macedonia on a local and regional level.
Following the presentation portion of the workshop a duscussion was held to explore possible relevant instruments for use in East/Bregalnica planning region. The result from the workshop was proposed tools and instruments to support employment with these target groups.
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