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Month: June 2010

Workshop on Regional Marketing

The Centre for Development of the East Planning Region, in collaboration with GTZ RED program for regional development in Macedonia held a workshop on "Regional marketing”.

The workshop was held in Shtip. The workshop took place from 21-23 June. The main topic was establishment the East region as one brand, and also the process elaboration of strategies for regional marketing.

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Public debate on the “Study for the potential for using biomass for energy production in the East Planning Region”

The Centre for Development of East Planning Region held a public debate on "Study on exploitation of the potentials of biomass energy for manufacturing the Eastern Planning Region on 22nd of June in the Council Hall of the Municipality of Shtip. The debate was attended by the mayors from the East planning region, deans of the faculties of UGD, representatives from several offices for development, representatives of NGOs, experts from this field, as well as representatives from EMS-Temos, elected for elaboration of the study.

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Cluster as a form of organization of all stakeholders who contribute to the strengthening of companies, is a tool that is increasingly used worldwide.

In the process of clustering, an important role is also supporting participants to form clusters through the Ministry of Economy, Agency for promotion entrepreneurship and regional offices with their activities at the top of the pyramid.

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Meeting of the stakeholders of the East Planning Region

The meeting of the stakeholders of the East Planning Region was held on 9th of June, 2010 in the Hall of the Council of the Municipality of Shtip, the mayors
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Thematic workshop “Protection of environment through Inter Municipal Cooperation”

UNDP actively works on IMC, in this way they have implemented several projects in 36 municipalities across the country in the field of urban planning, local taxes and fees, inspection and local development. In partnership with the Ministry of Local Government, UNDP is implementing the national program for "IMC for better service delivery and access to the EU”, working to further create conditions for wider application of the IMC as a tool for better delivery of public services at the local level.

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Activities for the elaboration of a study on the sustainable development of organic agricultural production in the East Planning Region

On 31st of May, the Centre organised the first workshop on the project task of drawing a Study for sustainable development of organic agricultural production in the East planning region.

Participants at this workshop were the employees from local government offices and local economic development departments of municipalities in the East planning region, employees of the Agency for development of agriculture-Regional Centre Shtip and PE Macedonian Forests, subsidiary in Shtip.

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“Love Macedonia, enjoy your country”

Имплементацијата на Проектот „Сакај ја Македонија, уживај во својата татковина“ започна на 08.05.2010 година на Плоштад Македонија во Скопје во делот познат како лизгалиште и се одржува секоја сабота во периодот од 12:00 - 17:00 часот. На овој настан ќе се претставуват регионите со сите свои специфики, активности, можности, потенцијали и сл.

Источниот плански регион своето претставување ќе го има во Сабота на 12.06.2010 година од 12:00 - 17:00 часот.

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International Symposium “Iron Curtain Trail”

„Патеката на Железната завеса" (Iron Curtain Trail – ICT) поврзува низа национални и прекугранични заштитени области по текот на поранешната Железна завеса – притоа минувајќи низ многу земји, вклучително и 14 ЕУ членки. Истата поврзува споменици, музеи и други градби кои сведочат за историјата на поделена Европа, како и за мирната револуција во Централна и Источна Европа. Дел од „Патеката на Железната завеса“ поминува низ територијата на Македонија. Влегува низ граничниот премин кај Делчево и продолжува преку низински предел кон Пехчево и Берово. Рутата минува низ полиња и ливади и потоа продолжува во општина Струмица, за на крај преку Босилово да премине во општина Ново Село и излезе од Македонија на истоиментиот граничен премин.

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Study Tour in Slovenia and Croatia

GTZ RED implements capacity building measures at regional level for 2010 within the Programme activities on strengthening the capacities of regional centers, LED and other regional stakeholders. Within this activity GTZ organized a study tour in Slovenia and Croatia from 9th until 16th of May 2010. This activity is actually a continuation of a series of trainings that are organized by GTZ. The Study tour was attended by representatives from six centers in Macedonia and employees in several municipalities. Representatives from the Centre for Development of the East planning region participated were Dragica Zdraveva – Manager, Emil Vassilev - Coordinator for Regional Development and Katerina Koceva – Administrator.

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XII Meeting of the Council for Development of the East planning region

The Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning, Mr. Nexhat Jakupi, visited the East planning region on May 26, 2010. The Minister visited Shtip and met with the Mayor of the Municipality of Shtip, Mr. Zoran Aleksov and the Manager of the Centre for Development of East Planning Region, Mrs. Dragica Zdraveva. Then he visited municipality of Karbinci, where he was welcomed by the Mayor, Mr. Vasil Bogdanski, President of the Council for Development of East Planning Region, Mr. Ratko Dimitrovski, and other mayors from the East planning region. After the brief meeting with the members of the Council for the Development of the Eastern Planning Region, the Minister visited the archaeological site Bargala.

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