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Month: September 2014

Final Annual Conference – SEE in 2014

In Ljubljana, Slovenia from 24-25 September 2014 the Final Conference of the Programme for Transnational Cooperation in SEE 2007-2013 was held.. On The Conference, the Centre for Development of East
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Study visit of the partners of the project PPP4Broadbend

On 16th and 17th September in Skopje was organized a study visit at which participants were from nine countries, twelve partner organizations / institutions involved in the project PPP4Broadbend, Mayor
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Seminar for Rural Development Committee in the Regions

From 17th to 19th September 2014, the Committee of the Regions in Brussels, Belgium organized a seminar for rural development. The purpose of the seminar was to present the policies
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Workshops for the program for development of the East Planning Region (2015-2019)

In order to start the process for review / preparation of the Programme for development of the East Planning Region (2015-2019), the Centre for development of East Planning Region in
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Initial workshop for establishing a Cluster of Creative Industry

Centre for Development of East Planning Region under the project "Networking of multimedia centers in the border region - Creative" on 09.04.2014 in Hotel Izgrev in Stip, held an introductory
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Иницијална работилница за воспоставување на Кластер за Креативна индустрија

Центарот за развој на Источен плански регион во рамките на проектот „Вмрежување на мултимедијални центри во прекуграничниот регион – Креатива“, на 04.09.2014 година во хотел Изгрев во Штип, одржа воведна
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Initial workshop for establishing a Cluster of Creative Industry

Centre for Development of East Planning Region under the project "Networking of multimedia centers in the border region - Creative" on 09.04.2014 in Hotel Izgrev in Stip, held an introductory
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