On July 24, 2019, in the premises of the Municipality of Stip, the 2019 Cooperation Agreement was signed between the Ministry of Local Self-Government and the units of the local self-government from the East Planning Region, founders of the Center for Development of the East Planning Region.
The Agreement defined the activities and tasks of the Center for Development of the East Planning Region for 2019, the amount and the manner of payment of the funds for realization of the identified activities and tasks, as well as the manner and the deadlines for their realization.
For 2019, according to the Agreement, the Center for Development of the East Planning Region will implement 4 projects that are in accordance with the strategic objectives of the Program for Development of the Planning Region: "Enrichment of a tourist offer with the construction, arrangement and lighting of a pedestrian-cycling pathway river Bregalnica" in the municipality of Berovo," Construction of a regional tourist-scientific museum for rare minerals" in the municipality of Probistip,"Environmental protection through construction of a waste water treatment system" in the municipality of Cheshinovo-Obleshevo and "Building of Ethno Park – Zrnovci – II phase" in Zrnovci.
The total value of the Agreement is 3.018.580 denars, of which 1.200.000 are provided by the National Budget through the Ministry of Local Self-Government, while the rest of the funds are provided from the municipal budgets according to their respective share.
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