There were planning workshops held in the municipalities Cheshinovo-Obleshevo and Zrnovci on 11.12.2009 as part of the process of elaboration of Strategies for Local Economic development for both municipalities. These are the only two municipalities from all eleven in the region, which do not have this strategic planning document. This activity was coordinated and supported by the Centre for development of the East planning region.
The participatory approach of elaboration of the strategies has proved as quite success, an indicator for this is the number of participants in these workshops. Representatives from all stakeholders too part in these workshops: business sector, NGO, representatives from municipalities, and agriculture as a central economic activity in both municipalities, as well as other actors.
The workshops resulted with very constructive proposals, which are included in the Strategies. Both strategies for development are expected to be finalized by the end of January 2010. Thus, these two municipalities will also get a strategic document that sets the guidelines for development in the long run.
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