Held (XX) Twentieth Session of the Council for Development of the East Planning Region
Promotional Press Conference of the project “Cultural bridge through the centuries”
On January 17, 2020, a promotional press conference for the project "Cultural bridge through the centuries" was held.
The project "Cultural bridge through the centuries" is funded under the INTERREG-IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of N. Macedonia 2014-2020, in which the Lead Partner is the Georgi Todorov 1885 National Habitat from the Municipality of Belica, R. Bulgaria and the Center for Development of the East Planning Region, as second project partner.
Conference on “Policies for Balanced Regional Development”
On September 6, 2017 at Hotel Aleksandar Palace in Skopje a Conference on "Policies for Balanced Regional Development" was held, which is the closing event of the project "Alliance for Regional Development", implemented by Forum - Center for Strategic Research and Development, Skopje and Youth Initiatives for dialogue and cooperation, Bitola.
Workshop for the development of three different scenarios for protected areas in the basin of the river Bregalnica
The Nature Conservation Programme in Macedonia, Phase 2, a project financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and coordinated by Pharmahem-Skopje, in which a strategic partner is the Center for Development of the East Planning Region and the 11 municipalities from the region and the Macedonian Ecological Society, Implementing Partner of PZP, on 31st August 2017 (Thursday), in the hotel "Izgrev" in Stip, organized a workshop in order to develop three different scenarios for protected areas in the basin of the river Bregalnica. One of the main activities and establishment of protected areas in the river basin Bregalnica.
Two-day “Climate changes” training organized within the “Green buildings for common green future – GREEN” project CB006.1.11.038, financed by the Interreg – IPA cross-border program Bulgaria-Macedonia CCI2014TC16I5CB006
The Centre for development of the East planning region in collaboration with the Regional Administration Blagoevgrad, within the GREEB project, organized two-day “Climate changes” training between July 06-07th 2017 in “Euro Hotel Gradche”, as part of the Cimate changes capacity building program. There were 40 participants in the trainings from the municipalities within the two cross-border regions.
Coordination meeting on the progress of the project for establishing an integrated system for waste management in the East and Northeast Planning Region
On April 7, 2017, in the Business meeting room at the Skopje Fair in Skopje, at the invitation of the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Mr. Bashkim Ameti, held a coordination meeting with the mayors of East and Northeast Region as well as representatives from the Centers for development of East and North-East Planning Region.
Fourth Coordination Meeting of the Ministry of Local Government, the Centers for Regional Development and UNDP
Centers for Development od Planning Regions attended the fourth Coordination Meeting of the Ministry of Local Government (MLG) and the Program for United Nations Development Program (UNDP), held on 06th April 2017 (Thursday) in the large conference room in the office of UNDP in Skopje.
The first press conference for the project “Green buildings shared green future-GREEN”, funded by First Call INTERREG – IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria – Macedonia in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
On 03th April 2017 (Monday), District Administration Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria and the Center for Development of East Planning Region, Shtip, Macedonia in Blagoevgrad held a press conference to promote the project "Green buildings for shared green future - GREEN" funded by the first call INTERREG - IPA CBC programme Bulgaria - Macedonia 2014-2020.