On 12th June 2015, in the Great Hall of the Municipality of Shtip was held the Second Consultative event with the private sector of the East Planning Region as part of the activities within the project “Establishment of a business center for support and consulting services for small and medium enterprises in East planning region”.
The event was opened by Ms. Dragica Zdraveva, Director of the Centre for Development of East planning region.
Topics at the event were:
- Presentation of the strategy for the development of agriculture, subsidies, grants and calls – (Mr. Ilco Marolov, the Agency for encouring of the development of agriculture);
- Presentation on measure 302 from IPARD programme for rural businesses – (Mrs. Biljana Kostovska from the Agency for Financial Support of Agriculture and Rural Development – IPARD);
- Presentation of the use of new technologies in agriculture – the first Macedonian exchange system for agricultural producers (MSc. Igor Iljovski and Dr. Gjorgji Martinovski from Agri Info.Net);
- Presentation of the programme for cooperation – (Mr. Gorazd Chomovski from Macedonian-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce).
Upon completion of all presentations, there were B2G meetings between interested representatives from the private sector and representatives from the Agency for Rural Development, IPARD Agri Info and Macedonian-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce.
The project is implemented with technical and financial support of the Ministry of Local Government and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
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