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Final promotional event of the results of the project “Reconstruction and adaptation of the Nursing Home Dr. Ivan Vlashki – Berovo” 4th lamella


December 3, 2024


The final promotional event was held on 02.12.2024 (Monday) at 12:00, at the Dr. Ivan Vlaški Berovo Nursing Home.

The project is financed within the framework of the Agreement for the implementation of an investment project with a digital component from the Grant Scheme of the project “Sustainable and Inclusive Balanced Regional Development” – Phase II”, financed through the Ministry of Local Self-Government, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and co-financed by the Municipality of Berovo.

“The implementation of this project is of exceptional importance for the aging Eastern region, as shown by official statistics. The percentage of the adult population is well above the national average, so this type of facility is necessary for the region that will provide appropriate conditions for the residence of adults, appropriate care, medical care, social inclusion. This is actually the second phase for improving the conditions in the Home from the project that was selected as a priority at the forum sessions. This project is also an example of successful cooperation between the central and local authorities, which, with the support of a foreign donor, enabled the “Dr. Ivan Vlaški” Home to receive living conditions according to all standards.”

Within the framework of the “Sustainable and Inclusive Balanced Regional Development” project, we created conditions for an additional 28 places for accommodation, horticultural landscaping of the space was carried out, the necessary furniture was purchased, and a central heating system – boiler room and ventilation was implemented.

Improving and promoting the quality of life of the elderly, health and psychophysical condition, as a way of improving the system of social protection of the elderly in the eastern region and transparency. The goal of both projects is to improve the quality of active living of the elderly, as the percentage of elderly people is increasing.




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