On October 15, 2018 (Monday), the Regional Administration Blagoevgrad and the Center for Development of the East Planning Region held a final press conference to promote the results of the project "Green Buildings for a Common Green Future – GREEN" CB006.1.11.038, funded by the first call of the Interreg-IPA Cross-Border Program Bulgaria-Macedonia 2014-2020.
This ceremony was attended by The Minister of Local Self-Government of the Republic of Macedonia-Mr. Suheil Fazliu, The Minister for Regional Development and Public Works – Ms. Petia Avramova, The President of the Council for Development of the East Planning Region and Mayor of the Municipality of Kocani – Mr. Nikolco Ilijev, mayors from the cross-border region, representatives of the The Joint Technical Secretariat from Kyustendil and over seventy participants, representatives from local and regional institutions within the cross-border region.
The event highlighted the importance of implementing this type of projects realized through cross-border cooperation and presented data that show that IPA is the most successful and the most used programme in our country, which proves that the entities have strengthened their capacities both for preparation and for realization of projects.
На прес конференцијата свое обраќање за значењето на проектот и програмата имаа:
At the press conference, addresses for the significance of the project and programme were given by:
Mr. Biser Mikhailov, Manager of the Blagoevgrad region in the Republic of Bulgaria and host of the event;
Mrs. Petya Avramova, Minister of Regional Development and Public Works in the Republic of Bulgaria;
Mr. Suhail Fazliu, Minister of Local Self-Government in the Republic of Macedonia;
Mr. Nikolco Ilijev, President of the Council for Development of the East Planning Region and Mayor of the Municipality of Kocani;
Ms. Dragica Zdraveva, Head of Center for Development of the East Planning Region, Lead Partner and Financial Expert in the Project, and
Ms. Krasimira Krumova, Project Coordinator of the Regional Administration Blagoevgrad.
The main goal of the event was to get acquainted with the achieved results within the GRREN project such as:
- Reconstruction of the administrative building of the Regional Administration Blagoevgrad increased energy efficiency-changed energy class from D to class C;
- Reconstruction of the Administrative Building of the Municipality of Kocani for increasing the energy efficiency – changed energy class from D to calss B;
- Climate change trainings and measures to reduce the consequences of climate change and "green infrastructure";
- Organized promotional campaign using a special mobile laboratory and mobile office for the students from the primary schools from the municipalities of Stip, Kocani and Berovo;
- Two thematic workshops were organized for the students from the secondary schools in the municipality of Blagoevgrad;
- Developed a regional energy efficiency strategy;
- The informational materials, Web site (www.cbc-green.com) and Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/ProjectGREEN038/) for the project were prepared;
- Billboards placed in the cross-border region;
- Organized press conferences for the project in the East Planning Region and the Blagoevgrad region.
The total budget of the project is 408.680,66 EUR.
This is the first joint project of the Center for Development of the East Planning Region and the Regional Administration Blagoevgrad.
The project is co-funded by the European Union within the INTERREG IPA Cross-border Programme between Macedonia and Bulgaria
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