The Center for Development of the East Planning Region continues with the implementation of activities supported by the Programme for Nature Conservation in Macedonia. The Nature Conservation Programme in Macedonia is a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, which has been implemented in the East Planning Region for the 6th year.
On October 22, 2018, in the premises of the municipality of Probistip, a contract was signed for the implementation of the initiative for the nomination of Geopark Lesnovo as a member of the UNESCO Global Geoparks Network.
The agreement was signed between the Center for Development of the East Planning Region, as a strategic partner, Pharmham, as the national coordinator of the Programme, and the municipalities Probishtip and Kratovo, in whose territories the area of the future Geopark Lesnovo is included.
Во периодот кој следува ќе се врши избор на експерти кои што ќе го истражат подрачјето на двете општини и ќе ги определат точните граници на геопарк Лесново. Понатаму, ќе се формира и раководно тело кое во иднина ќе управува и ќе го развива Геопарк Лесново, за што е потребна поддршка од општините во избор на квалитетни и квалификувани лица. Истовремено, ќе се реализираат и дополнителни содржини кои што ќе придонесат кон зголемување на вредноста на подрачјето.
In the forthcoming period, a selection of experts will be conducted which will explore the area of both municipalities and will determine the exact boundaries of the Lesnovo Geopark. Furthermore, a governing body will be formed which will be managed and developed in the future by the Geopark Lesnovo, which requires support from the municipalities in the selection of quality and qualified persons. At the same time, additional contents will be realized that will contribute to increasing the value of the area.
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